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How Much Sleep Is Too Much

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Good sleep is essential to a healthy life. In fact, we spend about one-third of our lives sleeping, so if you’re getting to little or too much sleep, you could be doing serious damage to your body and mind. How much sleep is too much? And how do you know if you need more or less sleep? There are ways to know how much sleep you should get each night and the signs that indicate that you need more or less.

How Much Is Too Much?

Sleep is a vital part of our health and wellness, but how much sleep is ideal? What happens when we don’t get enough sleep? And how can we tell if we need more or less than the average person?

Oversleep is when an individual sleeps longer than the amount recommended by their doctor or health professional. Generally, doctors recommend about 8-9 hours of sleep for most adults and children over 4 years old; however, many people need more or less than this amount depending on personal factors such as age and lifestyle choices. When oversleeping occurs in excess of two weeks or so, it can become harmful both physically and mentally especially if it becomes chronic.

The Trouble With Oversleeping

Oversleeping can be problematic for both your physical and mental health. Sleeping too much can have negative effects on your mood and energy levels, making you feel groggy and lazy. This can lead to a vicious cycle of sleeping more than is required, which then makes it hard to wake up in the morning.

Getting too much sleep can also cause weight gain by changing levels of appetite-regulating hormones that regulate hunger cues from the brain. If you eat large amounts of food while still feeling tired and unmotivated, this may contribute to weight gain as well as diabetes, heart disease, or depression.

What Are The Signs That One Is Getting To Much Sleep?

The first sign that you’re getting too much sleep is feeling groggy. If you feel like you’ve been hit by a bus, then it’s likely that your body is just tired from not getting enough sleep.

Another sign of too much sleep is having trouble staying awake throughout the day. If this happens regularly, it could be due to various factors such as stress, lack of exercise and poor diet. Most importantly though, if there really isn’t any reason for this other than getting more and more hours in bed at night then it could be a sign that they’re getting too much rest each night causing their circadian rhythm to get out of sync with their bodies’ needs throughout the day! This can lead to many health problems including depression, diabetes and even heart disease!

Sleep is a vital part of our health, so it’s important to make sure you’re getting enough but not too much. If it seems like you never get enough sleep and wake up still feeling tired, you could be oversleeping or there could possibly be something more serious going on. The best thing to do would be to talk with your doctor about what your options are.