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How Does Sleep Affect Your Heart Health?

Sleep, sleep and health, how does sleep effect your health, sleep and your heart, sleep and your heart health, heart health

Did you know that one in three American adults aren’t getting enough sleep on a consistent basis? 

We have a feeling this may be connected to the heart disease that is behind one in every four American deaths. 

To understand how lack of sleep might be affecting your heart health, keep reading. The connection is more concerning than you might think. 

Signs of Sleeplessness

We know that you’re well aware you don’t get enough sleep. Life is busy, and you’ve always been determined to “sleep when you’re dead.” Trust us when we tell you–it’s not worth the risk.

Curious to see if you’re becoming a statistic? Signs of sleep deprivation include: 

  • Lack of energy 
  • Irritability 
  • Stress and anxiety 
  • Weight gain 
  • Aging skin
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Physical impairment 
  • Cognitive delays
  • Heart issues 

If you are exhibiting these outward symptoms, you’d be amazed at what your doctor may discover at your next appointment. A routine physical and lab work might point to serious underlying issues– like heart problems

Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

During sleep, your body is hard at work repairing your heart and its blood vessels. When you aren’t sleeping enough, your body isn’t able to heal the heart enough to properly function.

During the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage of sleep, stress is reduced on the heart as blood pressure drops, breathing stabilizes and heart rate slows. This restorative period gives the heart a chance to recover from the strain we put on our body during the day.

If your heart isn’t allowed to slow down during NREM, you will find yourself at risk of high blood pressure. Additionally, sleeplessness will leave your body vulnerable to the risk factors that contribute to high cholesterol and heart attacks. 

Insomnia-linked issues are not confined to heart conditions. This level of sleep deprivation is also associated with: 

While some of these conditions may not be reversible, they definitely are avoidable. Do yourself a favor and make it a priority to get to bed early tonight– and most nights thereafter! 

Improve Your Heart Health

If your heart requires a little R&R, there are a few consistent changes you can make in your life to improve your sleep quality. We encourage you to try these sleep-hygiene standards:
  • Stick to a consistent bedtime 
  • Manage your stress
  • Try and maintain a consistent wake schedule
  • Find a relaxing and restorative pre-bed routine
  • Make sure your bedroom is an ideal temperature 
  • Make your room as dark as possible 
  • Cut out alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine
  • Try to avoid evening or late afternoon naps that might interfere with your sleep cues
  • Exercise daily 
  • Eliminate electronic usage 30-60 minutes before bedtime 
  • Use a natural supplement or sleep-aid  

These things don’t happen overnight. Consistency is key to see results. 

Get Some Sleep

Don’t let poor sleep interfere with your health or your long-term goals. Remember– without proper sleep habits, you may be facing an increased risk of accidents and disease. 

Sometimes, better sleep requires a little extra help. If you’re looking to remedy your sleep issues, it may be time to try our double-strength sleep aid. Fall asleep and stay asleep with Jet-Asleep.